All Episodes

Displaying 31 - 60 of 692 in total

Insurance: Can't Live With It And Can't Run Your Own Short Term Rental Empire Without It

Knowing and understanding the nuances of insurance is essential to building your short-term real estate empire. Not surprisingly, questions about insurance are some of...

How To Secure Capital To Grow Your Short Term Real Estate Empire

Securing capital for your short-term real estate industry is one of the most frequently asked questions I receive when speaking with students and coaching clients. In ...

How Inflation Has An Affect On The Short Term Real Esate Industry

As inflation has been a topic of discussion lately, we will examine the impact of inflation on your growing real estate empire in today's episode. In this episode, we ...

How The Short Term Rental Could Be Your Golden Ticket To Financial Freedom

While there are no shortcuts to wealth - hard work, and determination in renting out your  Short Term Real Estate could be your golden ticket to financial freedom. Whe...

You Don't Have To Go Home, But You Can't Stay Here | How To Decline Your Short Term Rental Services

During coaching sessions with my clients, I frequently get asked questions about the day-to-day operations of running a short term rental business. For example, how to...

How To Analyze A Real Estate Deal | Short Sale Edition

During coaching sessions with my clients, I frequently get asked questions about purchasing investment properties in a short sale. In today's episode, I answer questio...

Location, Location, Location! | The Best Locations For Your Short Term Rental Properties

When running a short term rental empire, the location of your property is key. Most people think having a property near the airport is the best location, but it's more...

Strategies For Advertising Your Short Term Rentals

One of the best ways to find new customers is by advertising online. During a call with students, I was asked for advice on making direct bookings through digital mark...

The Short Term Rental Industry, Income, Taxes, And You

Short term rental industry creates a lot of taxable income, which keeping track and reporting your income to the I.R.S is crucial. During our recent coaching session, ...

Everyone Is Talking About Inflation, But What Is It And Why Does It Matter?

The price of real estate increases in tandem with the inflation rate. Housing and other real estate assets generally rise when inflation increases. In today's episode,...

The Biggest Expense When Building Your Short Term Real Estate Empire

Rent is your biggest expense when it comes to building your short-term real estate empire. So it is crucial that you answer and understand certain questions, such as h...

Your Network Is Everything When Building Your Short Term Rental Empire

Creating your network is the best way to build your real estate business and not have to be dependent on an algorithm. In today's episode, I will share tips and techni...

The Best Pricing Strategy For Airbnb To Maximize Your Revenue

Developing a pricing strategy for your Airbnb rentals is one of the most challenging parts of building your short term rental empire. During a question and answer sess...

Three Phases Your Business Will Go Through While Building Your Short Term Rental Empire

While building your short term rental empire, there are three phases your business will go through. Knowing what to expect will give you time to plan and make informed...

How To Classify Contractors, Vendors, And Employees In Your Short Term Rental Business

As your short term rental empire grows, you need to hire more contractors, vendors and employees. It is important that you classify them accordingly to ensure your bus...

The Risk Of Growing Your Real Estate Empire Too Fast

When you're growing your real estate empire, there is a scenario where your business will grow too fast. During a conversation with a coaching client, I shared advice ...

Start Your Own Short Term Rental Business Without Owning Property

One misconception I hear often is that you need to own property to start a short term rental business. In today's episode, I dispel that misconception and will teach y...

Tools For Effective Communication Which Can Help You Run A Million Dollar Short Term Rental Business Successfully

Successfully running a short term rental business requires effective communication with your team. During a Q+A session with a student, I was asked what process I use ...

Is Starting An Airbnb Business Right For You?

Starting an Airbnb hosting business is full of rewards and challenges, but is it right for you? I will help you make that decision by sharing everything you need to ge...

How To Analyze A Real Estate Deal | A Multi Family Apartment With 330 Units

During coaching sessions with my clients, I frequently get asked questions about purchasing multi family investment properties. In today's episode, I answer questions ...

Short Term Rentals Are Not New, And The Demand Isn't Going Anywhere

The short-term rental industry has existed since the civil war.. Unfortunately, I frequently hear in the media the need for short term rentals has stalled and that thi...

How To Analyze A Real Estate Deal | Multi Family Tri-Plex Investment Property

During coaching sessions with my clients, I frequently get asked, "how do I analyze a real estate deal for multi family Tri-Plex homes?" In today's episode, I will tea...

How To Analyze A Real Estate Deal | Multi Family Investment Property

During coaching sessions with my clients, I frequently get asked, "how do I analyze a real estate deal for multi family homes?" In today's episode, I will teach you ho...

How To Analyze A Real Estate Deal | Single Family Investment Property

One question I get asked often is how do I analyze real estate deals? In today's episode, I will provide a step-by-step list of how to use “The Profit Analysis Quadran...

Q+A: Single Family vs Multi-Family Real Estate Investments

Regarding real estate investments, one of the questions I get frequently asked is whether I should buy a single-family or multi-family home. In today's episode, I take...

Start Your Own Airbnb Business: How To Find Capital

Once you start your own Airbnb business, you will figure out how to find capital in order to grow. There are eight steps to find capital. By learning and utilizing the...

Insider Secrets To Furnishing Your Airbnb

Property ratings in Airbnb are influenced by many factors such as cleanliness and service. Among the critical features of your, Airbnb is how you set it up, furnish, a...

Start Your Own Airbnb Business: Where To Begin

With all the evidence it makes sense to me why you would want to start your own Airbnb business. I have had the privilege of welcoming more than 3000 guests and 100 re...

How To Get The Landlord To Say Yes To Your Airbnb Business

How do you get a landlord to say yes to your Airbnb business? They could just do it themselves and make more money or they could even work with a property manager. But...

How You Can Do Less And Make More Money By Generating Passive Income

Why is everyone talking about generating passive income? I am going to break down the different types of income, do a deep dive into passive income, and teach you how ...

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